Getting out of debt isn’t easy, but it is possible. Find out how we paid off over $130,000 in 8 years and how you can do it, too!
I’m honored to be sharing about our debt free journey and how we paid off over $130,000 of debt on Affording Motherhood. I’ve been a long-time reader and follower of Shannon, whose own story about getting out of debt on a low income was an inspiration to me along the way.
Shannon was also an encouraging force behind me starting Margin Making Mom, so I’m thrilled to be guest posting on her site.
I hope you’ll hop over to Affording Motherhood to read more about our debt success story. While you’re there, check out Shannon’s fabulous resources for getting out of debt and saving money! She is a wealth of knowledge for those of us who want to afford to stay home with our kids.
Many people view debt as a normal (and even necessary) part of life. Still others believe that if you have a lot of debt, you must be living large. Shopping too much, taking grand vacations, maxing out your credit cards and driving expensive cars.
In our story, we weren’t living extravagantly and spending money left and right. But you know what? That didn’t matter.
Turns out, debt is debt, no matter how you accumulate it. So when we found ourselves drowning in six figures of student loans and medical bills, we knew something had to give. Read more…
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